Monitoring, analysis and generalization of judicial and departmental practice in the application of antimonopoly / competition law
Participation in joint discussions of topical issues of application, as well as preparation of recommendations on the effective application of antimonopoly/competition legislation with the Eurasian Economic Commission and antimonopoly authorities of the Interstate Council on Antimonopoly Policy member countries and other countries of the Eurasian continent
Cooperation on issues of protection, development of competition and antimonopoly regulation with state and non-state organizations in the field of protection, development of competition and antimonopoly regulation, as well as antimonopoly authorities
Conducting legal and economic research, research and development, preparation of legal and economic expert opinions and recommendations, as well as expert opinion on the application of antimonopoly / competition law. Preparation and publication of scientific and educational literature, publications on issues of protection, development of competition and antimonopoly regulation
Organization and participation in events, including training seminars, advanced training on protection, development of competition and antimonopoly regulation